Norad Framework Agreement 2019-2023

Funding Information
Total Actual Commitment:
7,636,179 USD
Total Planned Commitment:
Total Actual Disbursements:
8,708,323 USD
Total Planned Disbursements:
Unallocated Disbursements:
-1,072,144 USD
5,919,575 USD USD
Additional Information
Project Created By:
Project Modified By:
Project Created On:
Created in workspace:
Save the Children -Team
Project Title: 
Norad Framework Agreement 2019-2023 VALIDATED

IATI Identifier: 

Gender Marker: 

Climate Change Relevance: 

Status:  On-Going
Budget Head: 
Status Reason: 

NORAD funded SAHAYATRA II project has been working in three major themes namely:






The inputs, outputs and outcomes of the individual themes can be listed in the table as below:

(The outcomes are marked with yellow, outputs with green and inputs with grey color)

Results Framework

NORAD- Save the Children Norway framework agreement 2019-2023

Sahayatra II

(Issue 1: Education)

GOAL L1: Children Learn and are Safe in a Quality Learning Environment

Outcome 2:1.1 Improved school readiness of ECCD-aged children

Output 3:1.1.1 ECCD centers equipped for school readiness

Output L3:1.1.2 Parents and SMC members oriented/ trained on the importance of school-based ECCD and home-based school readiness

L4: Training to ECCD facilitators on ELM and Quality ECCD program   

L4: Support aged appropriate inclusive playing and learning materials to ECCD centers focusing on ELM skills

L4: Support ECCD centers to establish disabled and child-friendly set up (carpet, p-foam, round table, etc.)


L4: Orientation/training to parents and SMC members on importance of school-based ECCD and home-based school readiness

Outcome 2:1.1 Increased access to basic education for children from the most deprived and marginalized communities


Output L3:1.2.1 Children enrolled in educational institutions/ schools


L4: Household survey to identify out of school children including children with disability   

L4: Organize special enrollment campaign including home visit     

L4: Income generation support to the selected parents of out of school’s children                

L4: Enroll out of school children including children with disability (Referral support, each one teach one etc.) 

L4: Educational materials support to out of school children and children from the most deprived and marginalized communities 

L4: Support resource schools based on needs for enrolment and regularity of children with disability (assessment, need-based materials support, training to teachers, care-givers, SMC, CCs)

L4: Develop/update profile of children with disability based on government categorization

L4: Organize disability screening camp and provide need-based assistive devices  

L4: Develop policy brief on the CWD model, as linked to GoN policies, on the effectiveness and applicability of the model at the local level          


Outcome L2:1.3 Improved learning outcomes for all girls and boys including children with disabilities


Output L3:1.3.1 Teachers are trained on literacy, numeracy, inclusive education and other pedagogical skills


Output L3:1.3.2 Equipped schools with grade appropriate inclusive teaching learning materials and child friendly classroom


Output L3:1.3.3 Established attendance audit system at schools for students and teachers


Output L3:1.3.4 Provided remedial support to underperforming children


Output L3.1.3.5 Establish camps in the communities

L4: Organize teachers' training on literacy and numeracy           

L4: Organize teachers' training on pedagogical skills on English subject               

L4: Organize teachers' training on inclusive education, identification of children with disability and support to develop Individual Education Plan (IEP)            

L4: Organize workshop to teachers on formative assessment system                

L4: Work with municipalities to provide on-the-job coaching/mentoring support to teachers such as mobile meeting, management of coach/mentor on co-funding basic with municipality,           

provision of innovation fund to school, performance-based awards to teachers and schools etc

L4: Organize workshop to teachers on developing grade appropriate & inclusive teaching and learning materials            

L4: Support classrooms to establish child and disable friendly set up (carpet, p-foam, round table, etc.)               

L4: Through action research, work with teachers to identify pedagogical, curriculum, and classroom management challenges. Based on findings, develop materials (including visual) for teacher         

linking with curriculum                        and develop appropriate interventions to address knowledge gaps               

L4: Support grade appropriate and inclusive teaching learning materials to schools including book corner and practice books  


L4: Support for Attendance Audit of children at schools - PAT board, follow up card and reward

L4: Develop system of Attendance Audit of teacher and support bio-metric attendance machine to schools (cost sharing basis with school/municipality)               

L4: Awareness raising activities with parents to reduce household chores of girls       

L4: Support to promote the day-meal program in schools 

L4: Organize extra-curricular activities focusing to address the issues of girls and Children with Disability in education           

L4: Organize orientation to teachers on remedial support                

L4: Conduct remedial classes to the under-performer students including Individual Education Plan for Children with Disability             

L4: Organize training to volunteers of reading camp               

L4: Conduct of reading camp in communities with age appropriate learning materials (incentive, materials)               

Outcome L2:1.4 Strengthened government system, civil society and school management support children's right to inclusive, quality education


Output L3:1.4.1 Local and state government representatives supported to develop and implement education


Output L3:1.4.2 Strengthened school management and leadership


Output L3:1.4.3 Civil society organizations including implementing partners oriented/trained to better identify and address critical education issues in their locality


L4: Workshops/meetings with Local and State Government representatives on analysis of policy gaps analysis, and formulation education policy/procedures

L4: Orientation to SMC and municipal education committee members on their roles and responsibilities to ensure the inclusive and quality basic education

L4: Quarterly meeting of SMC members, teachers and parents to identify and address the school level educational issues; government's support services in education (scholarship, day-meal,                

disability identity cards & allowance) and best utilization of these services             

L4: Orientation to school family and municipal officials on Quality Learning Environment (QLE) of government; and practice of Quarterly School Self-Assessment (SSA) system            

L4: Orientation/workshop with head teachers on strengthen school management & leadership to improve learning performance of children              

L4: Training/workshop to civil society organization including implementing partners on existing education policies/programs, and address the local education issues            

L4: Support on initiatives of civil society organization         

L4: Partnership with media to address the education issues and bring out the good practices             

L4: Organize training/ workshop/exposure to implementing partners on quality delivery of the project interventions    

Outcome L2:1.5 School facilities have improved safety and protection standards


Output L3:1.5.1 ECCD and school structures (classroom, toilets and drinking water facility) constructed/ renovated


L4: Support renovation of ECCD centers, ensuring child and disabled friendliness 

L4: Support for safe and resilient classrooms construction

L4: Support classroom renovation, ensuring child and disabled friendliness             

L4: Support for toilets construction/renovation to ensure separate toilets for girls and boys               

L4: Support for safe drinking water and hand washing facilities construction/renovation   

L4: Safer construction orientation/training to masons where construction work is carried at the schools

L4: Orientation to SMC/PTA and teachers about maintenance and preparation of School/ECCD and conduction of periodic public/social audit    


Outcome L2:1.6 Students knowledge on social, emotional and life skills improved to minimize risk and promote resiliency


Output L3:1.6.1 Safe school minimum package developed by MoEST that includes DRR, SZOP and protection is adapted and practiced in Save the Children supported schools


L4: Workshop on developing participatory code of conduct            

L4: Orientation on complaint response mechanism and support for complain box establishment                

L4: Semi-annual review on SZOP including VFS implementation    

L4: Organize teachers' training on positive discipline, GESI, DRR and psychosocial support

L4: Conduct risk & vulnerability assessment of schools which includes DRR, SZOP and VFS aspects (tool to be reviewed at start of the project)         

L4: Orient and facilitate schools to conduct simulation session twice a year             

L4: Orientation to children on reporting incidence of physical, sexual, verbal abuse/ violence in school by peer or teachers          

L4: Produce a video on drill and disseminate to safe school’s partners in Nepal as a joint resource                

L4: Support for small-scale mitigation and prepositioning of some emergency items in case of a disaster

L4: Orientation to SMC members, teachers and children on safe school  

L4: Organize workshop on developing SIP integrating safe school approach/DRR and QLF                


Outcome L2:1.7 State, local governments and schools have adapted and implemented safe school policy/ minimum school safety procedures of government


Output L3:1.7.1 State, local governments staff, and teachers trained/ oriented/ facilitated to develop safe school policies/ procedures

Output L3:1.7.2 Representatives of civil society organizations and networks trained and mobilized on safe school


L4: Training/ orientation to state and local government on safe schools       

L4: Research on effectiveness of the Safe Schools interventions to prevent and respond to violence, hazards and risks experienced by children in and around school    

L4: Organize safe school policy and strategy formulation and dissemination workshop            


L4: Training/ workshop/ exposure to civil society organization to develop their capacity on advocacy skills on safe school policy        

L4: Support on advocacy initiatives of civil society networks on Safe school               


Outcome L2:3.2 Civil society, including children, monitor government's implementation of child rights


Output L3:3.2.1 Civil society organizations (both formal and informal) networked, trained and mobilized to monitor the government's implementation of child rights at the local, state and federal level


L4: Formation/ reformation of broad base civil society networks at Palika, district and state level                

L4: Training to civil society networks (local, district and state level) to monitor government's compliance with child rights       

L4: Technical and financial support to national level civil society networks to undertake national level advocacy on child rights     

L4: Preparation and submission of child-informed supplementary reports to the UNCRC and UPR                


Outcome L2:3.3 Strengthened civil society including children mobilized to promote children's rights



Output L3:3.3.1 Child clubs are supported to monitor and influence government's delivery of child rights, including government's international commitments


Output L3:3.3.2 CSO Platform for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) 2030 for Reaching the Unreached Movement is strengthened at national level and links with global UHC 2030 initiatives


L4: Formation/ reformation and capacity building training of inclusive child clubs 

L4: Child-led supplementary reports preparation and submission       

L4: Identification and promotion of child champions         


L4: Organize policy dialogues, lobbying meetings, workshop and media advocacy


Outcome L4: Organize policy dialogues, lobbying meetings, workshop and media advocacy                 


Output L3:3.4.1 Local, state and federal government's budget for children, including from GESI perspectives, (allocation and expenditure) analyzed and published


Output L3:3.4.2 Child clubs and civil society networks are trained and facilitated to undertake budget advocacy at the local, state and federal levels


Output L3:3.4.3 State and local governments and civil society networks trained on 'Domestic Resource Mobilization' to fund child rights



L4: Training to civil society networks on budget for children analysis               

L4: 'Budget for children' analysis of local, state and federal budget and report publication         


L4: Budget advocacy at local, state and federal levels

L4: Mapping of opportunities related to Domestic Resource Mobilization work in Nepal   

L4: Capacity building training to SC and partner staff on domestic resource mobilization/taxation and child rights funding

L4: Orientation/ training to local and state governments on Domestic Resource Mobilization      



Budget Type:
Off Budget

Treasury Type:

Humanitarian Aid: No


Date of Agreement:  01-01-2019
Date of effectiveness:  01-01-2019
Proposed Start Date:  01-01-2019
Actual Start Date:  01-01-2019
Planned Completion Date:  12-31-2023
Extension Date 1:  01-01-2019
[Mid-Western (Madhya Pashchimanchal)] 100.0%



Show Map
National Plan
[National Development Plan (NDP)]   [Social Development Policy]   [Education] 100.0%

Nepal Sector Classification - EDUCATION (100.0)%

Nepal Functional Coding - EDUCATION (100.0)%

Implementing/Executing Agencies

Donor Organization: 
  • Save the Children

Counterpart Ministry : 
  • Ministry of Education 100.0 %

Executing Agency: 
  • Save the Children 100.0 %

Implementing Agency: 
  • Save the Children 100.0 %
Save the Children
Transaction Type Transaction Date Type Of Assistance Mode Of Payment Post Earthquake Assistance Aid Type Financing Instrument Amount
Actual Commitment 01-01-2019 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 2,290,248 USD
Actual Commitment 06-05-2020 Grant Aid Cash No COVID-19 Pandemic Response Project Support 100,000 USD
Actual Commitment 06-05-2020 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 1,935,745 USD
Actual Commitment 12-22-2020 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 3,161,655 USD
Actual Commitment 06-30-2021 Grant Aid Cash No COVID-19 Pandemic Response Project Support 148,531 USD
Sub Total Actual Commitment: 7,636,179 USD
Sub Total Planned Commitment: 0 USD
Actual Disbursement 06-30-2019 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 696,041 USD
Actual Disbursement 12-31-2019 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 1,647,737 USD
Actual Disbursement 06-30-2020 Grant Aid Cash No COVID-19 Pandemic Response Project Support 100,000 USD
Actual Disbursement 06-30-2020 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 690,117 USD
Actual Disbursement 12-31-2020 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 1,547,374 USD
Actual Disbursement 06-30-2021 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 863,988 USD
Actual Disbursement 06-30-2021 Grant Aid Cash No COVID-19 Pandemic Response Project Support 148,531 USD
Actual Disbursement 12-31-2021 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 1,726,757 USD
Actual Disbursement 06-30-2022 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 1,287,778 USD
Sub Total Actual Disbursement: 8,708,323 USD
Sub Total Planned Disbursement: 0 USD
Expenditure 06-30-2019 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 700,632 USD
Expenditure 12-31-2019 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 1,539,964 USD
Expenditure 06-30-2020 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 802,056 USD
Expenditure 12-31-2021 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 1,578,680 USD
Expenditure 06-30-2022 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 1,298,243 USD
Progress Achieved

Progress Achieved: 


Key Problems: 


Steps Taken to solve the problem: 



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