To achieve 80% reduction in the tuberculosis incident rate and 90% reduction in the absolute number of tuberculosis death by 2030 as compared to the levels of 2015

Funding Information
Total Actual Commitment:
16,678,143 USD
Total Planned Commitment:
Total Actual Disbursements:
8,273,990 USD
Total Planned Disbursements:
Unallocated Disbursements:
8,404,153 USD
6,156,464 USD USD
Additional Information
Project Created By:
Project Modified By:
Project Created On:
Created in workspace:
Save the Children -Team
Project Title: 
To achieve 80% reduction in the tuberculosis incident rate and 90% reduction in the absolute number of tuberculosis death by 2030 as compared to the levels of 2015 VALIDATED

IATI Identifier: 

Gender Marker: 

Climate Change Relevance: 

Status:  On-Going
Budget Head: 
Status Reason: 


  1. Operation of TB Referral Centre and MDR TB centers in Nepalgunj, Kathmandu and Biratnagar
  2. TB Case finding intervention: sputum transportation & management
  3. household visits to Volunteer-Mandatory contact tracing of household member of PBC index and all child TB cases
  4. TB screening in border (transit point) between Nepal and India.
  5. Screening of prisoners with x-ray
  6. Establishment of DOTS Center in prison
  7. establish presumptive childhood TB screening at major hospital
  8. TB case notification from private Doctor to Recorder of those private provider and Private institution
  9. pharmacist to screen of all referred presumptive cases and recording/reporting & provide x-ray cost to Hub facilities for presumptive patient.
  10. Active case finding Interventions
  11. Message broadcasting through Television, Radio, FMs and other social media
  12. Program monitoring and supervision
  13. Mobilize FCHVS or community worker to trace and enroll initial defaulter on treatment.
  14. Initiation of TPT among children beyond 5 years, adult and adolescent contacts.
  15. Expansion of PPM activities to additional 5 Sub-metro cities.
  16. Strengthen Local level (LL) through micro planning in 50 districts.
  17. ACF in vulnerable and hard to reach areas using mobile Van
  18. TB screening among migrants and prison populations
  19. TB screening among slum, Monasteries, refugees, Madarasa, geriatric homes and kiln and cement factories.
  20. Web/based smartphones platform TB applications & Phone based, text and voice Automation to Reach to TB clients
  21. Establishing Quality Management System (QMS) in TB reference laboratories including National TB Reference Laboratory (NTRL)
  22. Meeting with parliamentary (health and education) committee
  23. Workshop to define role and function of high-level end TB committee
  24. workshop to develop engagement strategy to develop and integrate TB component in the pre-service and in-service curriculum
  25. Workshop to Revise CSS strategy
  26. Meeting with youth to identify their role and responsibility in community TB care
  27. Workshop to develop social media plan
  28. Workshop to develop IEC/BCC materials for different platform
  29. Workshop Re-designate the TB Microscopy centers
  30. meeting of TB/HIV committee at national and provincial level
  31. Workshop to develop guidelines of TB/diabetic collaborative activities
  32. Coordination meeting to include TB-Diabetes in NCD PEN package
  33. Collaborative meetings to initiate TB screening among diabetic
  34. Workshop to develop standardized approach for screening of TB among diabetic patients
  35. Workshop to develop guideline of TPT management
  36. Workshop to develop interoperable reporting template between e-DR TB and DDA reporting
  37. Workshop to identify flexible methods of DOTS in Nepal
  38. Workshop for finalization of guideline of micro planning
  39. Meeting with MoHP, DoHS and other relevant stakeholders to include FAST as part of hospital infection control guideline
  40. Workshop to develop Active Case Finding (ACF) protocol
  41. Workshops to identify and record the hard to reach and vulnerable population.
  42. Kick off meeting/orientation/Semiannual meeting between PR/SR/MOHP at national level
  43. Workshop to develop and finalize the training manual for paramedical and nursing staff.
  44. Workshop to integrate TB screening and referral in regular childhood program - IMNCH, deworming, Vitamin A.
  45. Workshop to develop/revise IMNCI and CB-IMNCI guidelines including childhood TB management and R&R tools
  46. Meeting with hospital administration and relevant staff on implementing FAST approach
  47. Trimester review meeting of hospital implementing FAST
  48. Trimester review meeting of active case finding interventions aligning with trimester program review workshop at local level
  49. Startup meeting with stakeholders of province/districts including PHD, health office, security personnel and other organization working in border
  50. Stakeholder review meeting at border in every 3 months
  51. Meeting/workshop with prison and other stakeholder
  52. Regular meeting of survival groups at Provincial levels
  53. Advocacy meeting at local level with service providers, local leaders & patients.
  54. Workshop to finalize integrated sample transportation network plan.
  55. Training to develop a pool of national trainers for clinical management of TB
  56. Training to develop a pool of national trainers for programmatic management of TB
  57. Childhood TB training at national/provincial level
  58. Training for store management, commodity handling, safety and security for store support staff of Central and PHLMC Warehouse
  59. Conduct CME / orientation on TB-diabetic coinfection
  60. Training to develop capacity of health staff on TB diagnosis, Management and aDSM
  61. ToT on micro planning
  62. Orientation of Hospital staff on FAST approach
  63. Training to the ORWs on the active case finding interventions.
  64. Orientation to health worker on case finding interventions
  65. Orientation to stakeholders working in border
  66. Train Prion staff- Naike, Bhai Naike and other relevant staff
  67. Training to health workers used in screening camp
  68. Provide refresher training on childhood TB management for medical doctors and paramedic
  69. Orientation to private doctors on NTP guidelines & R&R
  70. Orientation of pharmacist on presumptive identification and referral in coordination with NCDA
  71. CME among private service providers
  72. TOT on laboratory quality management system
  73. ToT on Logistic Management
  74. Assessment on TB community rights, gender & TB stigma using STOP TB partnership tools on Stigma assessment & CRG assessment (community rights & gender)
  75. Comparative study on the modality of initial defaulter follow-up.
  76. rGLC each year
  77. DR Survey
  78. Operational research on TB
  79. Printing IEC materials, posters, pamphlets, forms, formats, guidelines and other documents

  1. TCP-1⁽ᴹ⁾ Number of notified cases of all forms of TB (i.e. bacteriologically confirmed + clinically diagnosed), new and relapse cases
  2. TCP-2⁽ᴹ⁾ Treatment success rate- all forms: Percentage of TB cases, all forms, bacteriologically confirmed plus clinically diagnosed, successfully treated (cured plus treatment completed) among all TB cases registered for treatment during a specified period, new and relapse cases
  3. TCP-5.1 Number of people in contact with TB patients who began preventive therapy
  4. TCP-7a Number of notified TB cases (all forms) contributed by non-national TB program providers – private/non-governmental facilities
  5. MDR TB-2⁽ᴹ⁾ Number of TB cases with RR-TB and/or MDR-TB notified
  6. MDR TB-3⁽ᴹ⁾ Number of cases with RR-TB and/or MDR-TB that began second-line treatment
  7. TB/HIV-5 Percentage of registered new and relapse TB patients with documented HIV status
  8. TB/HIV-6⁽ᴹ⁾ Percentage of HIV-positive new and relapse TB patients on ART during TB treatment
  9. M&E-2a Completeness of facility reporting: Percentage of expected facility monthly reports (for the reporting period) that are actually received

  1. TB O-5⁽ᴹ⁾ TB treatment coverage: Percentage of new and relapse cases that were notified and treated among the estimated number of incident TB cases in the same year (all form of TB - bacteriologically confirmed plus clinically diagnosed)
  2. TB O-2a Treatment success rate of all forms of TB - bacteriologically confirmed plus clinically diagnosed, new and relapse cases
  3. TB O-6 Notification of RR-TB and/or MDR-TB cases – Percentage of notified cases of bacteriologically confirmed, drug resistant RR-TB and/or MDR-TB as a proportion of all estimated RR-TB and/or MDR-TB cases
  4. TB O-4⁽ᴹ⁾ Treatment success rate of RR TB and/or MDR-TB: Percentage of cases with RR and/or MDR-TB successfully treated

  1. TB I-2 TB incidence rate per 100,000 population
  2. TB I-3⁽ᴹ⁾ TB mortality rate per 100,000 population
  3. TB I-4⁽ᴹ⁾ RR-TB and/or MDR-TB prevalence among new TB patients: Proportion of new TB cases with RR-TB and/or MDR-TB

Budget Type:
Off Budget

Treasury Type:

Humanitarian Aid: No


Date of Agreement:  03-16-2021
Date of effectiveness:  03-16-2021
Proposed Start Date:  03-16-2021
Actual Start Date:  03-16-2021
Planned Completion Date:  07-31-2024
[NEPAL] 100.0%



Show Map
National Plan
[National Development Plan (NDP)]   [Social Development Policy]   [Health and Nutrition] 100.0%

Nepal Sector Classification - HEALTH (100.0)%

Implementing/Executing Agencies

Donor Organization: 
  • Save the Children

Counterpart Ministry : 
  • Ministry of Health and Population 100.0 %

Executing Agency: 
  • Save the Children 100.0 %

Implementing Agency: 
  • Save the Children 100.0 %
Save the Children
Transaction Type Transaction Date Type Of Assistance Mode Of Payment Post Earthquake Assistance Aid Type Financing Instrument Amount
Actual Commitment 03-16-2021 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 16,678,143 USD
Sub Total Actual Commitment: 16,678,143 USD
Sub Total Planned Commitment: 0 USD
Actual Disbursement 03-16-2021 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 1,519,758 USD
Actual Disbursement 12-31-2021 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 4,155,080 USD
Actual Disbursement 06-30-2022 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 2,599,152 USD
Sub Total Actual Disbursement: 8,273,990 USD
Sub Total Planned Disbursement: 0 USD
Expenditure 06-30-2021 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 398,043 USD
Expenditure 12-31-2021 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 3,435,583 USD
Expenditure 06-30-2022 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 2,322,838 USD
Progress Achieved

Progress Achieved: 


Key Problems: 


Steps Taken to solve the problem: 



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