To get to zero indigenous case by 2022 and sustain it thereafter to achieve Malaria elimination by 2025

Funding Information
Total Actual Commitment:
2,665,255 USD
Total Planned Commitment:
Total Actual Disbursements:
1,171,939 USD
Total Planned Disbursements:
Unallocated Disbursements:
1,493,316 USD
1,042,849 USD USD
Additional Information
Project Created By:
Project Modified By:
Project Created On:
Created in workspace:
Save the Children -Team
Project Title: 
To get to zero indigenous case by 2022 and sustain it thereafter to achieve Malaria elimination by 2025 VALIDATED

IATI Identifier: 

Gender Marker: 

Climate Change Relevance: 

Status:  On-Going
Budget Head: 
Status Reason: 


  1. Case investigations and Supervision and verification of case investigation
  2. Foci Response/Active case detection and follow-up at Active Foci
  3. Radio/FM messages broadcasting
  4. Case detection at community by FCHVs and Village Malaria Workers
  5. Engaging the private sector provider case notification, recording and reporting malaria cases
  6. Onsite mentoring and coaching on integrated TB/HIV and malaria in existing border health desk
  7. Procurement of LLINs for continuous distribution
  8. Responsive spraying the insecticides for possible out brake
  9. RDT test at community
  10. Development of pre and post-travel information materials (print materials/jingles) for broadcasting in inter-country/province bus services, by existing border health desk
  11. Workshop for dissemination of Laboratory plan and improving internal QA/QC of malaria microscopy at province level
  12. Establish microscopy/RDT quality database at province level
  13. Meeting for Integration of malaria surveillance into national DHIS system
  14. Advocacy meeting with MoHP, Ministry of Communication, select corporate sector
  15. Meetings for strong political commitment for malaria elimination central level
  16. ToT for Province, district level staff on case detection, case investigation, transmission focus investigation and transmission focus response
  17. Training for field staff in the local level and volunteers on case detection, case investigation, transmission focus investigation and transmission focus response
  18. Training and refresher training of medical doctors on NMTP and case management - public sector
  19. Orientation of FCHVs and Village Malaria Workers for case detection in community
  20. Training and refresher training of medical doctors on treatment guidelines case management - Private sector
  21. Orientation on elimination and training NMTP for health care providers- Private sector
  22. Refresher-training on malaria entomology at central level and in selected districts for entomologists and technicians
  23. Orientation and program Briefing at Local level of High and moderate risk Districts
  24. Conduct external malaria microscopy competency assessments
  25. Assessment of Surveillance system- National
  26. Internal and External program evaluation
  27. Household survey for availability and use of LLINs

  1. CM-1a⁽ᴹ⁾ Proportion of suspected malaria cases that receive a parasitological test at public sector health facilities
  2. CM-1b⁽ᴹ⁾ Proportion of suspected malaria cases that receive a parasitological test in the community
  3. CM-1c⁽ᴹ⁾ Proportion of suspected malaria cases that receive a parasitological test at private sector sites
  4. CM-2a⁽ᴹ⁾ Proportion of confirmed malaria cases that received first-line antimalarial treatment at public sector health facilities
  5. CM-2b⁽ᴹ⁾ Proportion of confirmed malaria cases that received first-line antimalarial treatment in the community
  6. CM-2c⁽ᴹ⁾ Proportion of confirmed malaria cases that received first-line antimalarial treatment at private sector sites
  7. CM-5⁽ᴹ⁾ Percentage of confirmed cases fully investigated and classified
  8. CM-6⁽ᴹ⁾ Percentage of malaria foci fully investigated and classified
  9. VC-1⁽ᴹ⁾ Number of long-lasting insecticidal nets distributed to at-risk populations through mass campaigns
  10. VC-3⁽ᴹ⁾ Number of long-lasting insecticidal nets distributed to targeted risk groups through continuous distribution
  11. M&E-2a Completeness of facility reporting: Percentage of expected facility monthly reports (for the reporting period) that are actually received
  12. M&E-2b Timeliness of facility reporting: Percentage of submitted facility monthly reports (for the reporting period) that are received on time per the national guidelines

  1. Malaria O-1a Proportion of population that slept under an insecticide-treated net the previous night
  2. Malaria O-1b Proportion of children under five years old who slept under an insecticide-treated net the previous night
  3. Malaria O-1c Proportion of pregnant women who slept under an insecticide-treated net the previous night
  4. Malaria O-2 Proportion of population with access to an ITN within their household
  5. Malaria O-9⁽ᴹ⁾ Annual blood examination rate: per 100 population per year (Elimination settings)

  1. Malaria I-2.1 Confirmed malaria cases (microscopy or RDT): rate per 1000 persons per year
  2. Malaria I-3.1⁽ᴹ⁾ Inpatient malaria deaths per year: rate per 100,000 persons per year
  3. Malaria I-4 Malaria test positivity rate
  4. Malaria I-9⁽ᴹ⁾ Number of active foci of malaria

Budget Type:
Off Budget

Treasury Type:

Humanitarian Aid: No


Date of Agreement:  03-16-2021
Date of effectiveness:  03-16-2021
Proposed Start Date:  03-16-2021
Actual Start Date:  03-16-2021
Planned Completion Date:  07-31-2024
[NEPAL] 100.0%



Show Map
National Plan
[National Development Plan (NDP)]   [Social Development Policy]   [Health and Nutrition] 100.0%

Nepal Sector Classification - HEALTH (100.0)%

Implementing/Executing Agencies

Donor Organization: 
  • Save the Children

Counterpart Ministry : 
  • Ministry of Health and Population 100.0 %

Executing Agency: 
  • Save the Children 100.0 %

Implementing Agency: 
  • Save the Children 100.0 %
Save the Children
Transaction Type Transaction Date Type Of Assistance Mode Of Payment Post Earthquake Assistance Aid Type Financing Instrument Amount
Actual Commitment 03-16-2021 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 2,665,255 USD
Sub Total Actual Commitment: 2,665,255 USD
Sub Total Planned Commitment: 0 USD
Actual Disbursement 03-16-2021 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 184,943 USD
Actual Disbursement 12-31-2021 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 550,812 USD
Actual Disbursement 06-30-2022 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 436,184 USD
Sub Total Actual Disbursement: 1,171,939 USD
Sub Total Planned Disbursement: 0 USD
Expenditure 06-30-2021 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 135,963 USD
Expenditure 12-31-2021 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 381,454 USD
Expenditure 06-30-2022 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Project Support 525,432 USD
Progress Achieved

Progress Achieved: 


Key Problems: 


Steps Taken to solve the problem: 



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