Promoting Young Women in Employment (PYWE) in Pokhara, Kaski

Funding Information
Total Actual Commitment:
1,110,364 USD
Total Planned Commitment:
Total Actual Disbursements:
1,177,693 USD
Total Planned Disbursements:
Unallocated Disbursements:
-67,329 USD
1,177,693 USD USD
Additional Information
Project Created By:
Project Modified By:
Project Created On:
Created in workspace:
Plan Nepal -Team
Project Title: 
Promoting Young Women in Employment (PYWE) in Pokhara, Kaski VALIDATED

IATI Identifier: 

Gender Marker: 
Directly Supportive

Climate Change Relevance: 

Status:  On-Going
Budget Head: 
Status Reason: 



1.1.1 Advertisement for trainee selection notice and Social Mobilization.

1.1.2 Beneficiary selection (Aptitude test and interview )

1.1.3 YES!ME beneficiary registration and “on-boarding”

1.1.4 Review and revisit training curricular of respective vocations

1.1.5 Orientation to vocational training providers on women friendly training delivery modalities

1.1.6 Provide vocational training of choice to young women with focus on non-traditional occupations

1.2.1 Identification of hosting (OJT) companies

1.2.2 Skill needs assessment of hosting OJT companies

1.2.3 On-the-job training (OJT) placement

1.2.4 Support services for young women during internship / OJT placement

1.2.5 Skill test  of trained beneficiaries by CTEVT(Council for  technical education and vocational training )

1.3.1 Provide life skills training 

1.3.2 Content development for protection training

1.3.3 Conduct TOT on protection package to facilitator 

1.3.4  Conduct review and reflection on issues concerning to participants on regular basis among themselves with facilitators

1.3.5 Provide protection Training (human rights, labor  rights, safe migration ,gender equality human trafficking, being assertive and stick and stone )

1.3.6  Provide computer / digital literacy training

1.3.7 Provide language training

1.3.8 Provide Orientation on obtaining citizenship card (importance, process, relevant  government department, documentation )

1.4.1 Formation and mobilization of skill trainee network group to facilitate job placements and employment

1.4.2 Joint review and reflection meeting between trainees and trainers (work place supervisors)

1.4.3 Provide technical backstopping during OJT  

1.5.1 Identify and engage with care facilities for young mothers

1.5.2 Connect young mothers to facilities

2.1.1 Baseline study of companies 

2.1.2 Develop ToR and recruitment of consultant 

2.1. 3 Study to identify decent work status and gap in tourism sector 

2.1.4  Findings sharing on decent work gap in tourism sector

2.2.1 Develop business case plan

2.2.2 Development of briefs, summarized versions of business case

2.2.3 Dissemination of business case to employers/ associations using different platforms

2.3.1 Provide orientation sessions on labor law for employers

2.3.2 Engaging with underemployed and employed young girls and boys on discussion for decent work gaps

2.3.3 Engage employers individually on decent work practice implementation

2.3.4 Establish media partnership on decent work and its gap in Pokhara (jingles, PSAs, calendar, radio programs)

2.3.5 Recruit Decent Work Specialist (short-term) 

2.4.1 Periodic interaction with employers / members 

2.4.2 Coordination meetings with municipalities and Pokhara tourism council

2.4.3 Invite / engage guest speakers/presenters on pertinent topics Disseminate Code of Conduct, Gender Policy, Decent Workplace Policy,  Child Protection, etc. to member of HAAN and TAAN Ope-rationalize Code of Conduct and identify priority investment areas Periodic Interaction with employers Develop ToRs for Fund Call for EOI and proposals Call for EOI and proposals Select winners and monitor implementation of proposals Develop engagement approach and dialogue structure hold dialogue meetings Design awareness campaigns and radio program Identify suitable media outlets and channels and implement Train and interact with parents, caretakers and household heads in selected communities

4.1.1 Collection of labor market information (e.g. vacancies) through market scan / appraisal

4.1.2 Identify local recruitment practices

4.1.3 Sharing of findings with broader stakeholders

4.2.1 Strengthen and or adapt an online solution  (if appropriate)

4.2.2 Arrange and undertake job fairs

4.2.3 Engage with local labor employment service center


Output 1.1 Technical and vocational classroom training completed

Output 1.2 Internship/On-the-Job training completed

Output 1.3 Life-skills, employability and protection trainings completed

Output 1.4  Mentoring, coaching and peer support services delivered to young women) 

Output 1.5 Young mothers connected to children care services & facilities

Output 2.1 Decent work gaps in tourism sector identified   

Output 2.2 Business case for decent work and women’s employment developed and distributed

Output 2.3 Awareness and sensitization programs/sessions/workshops on decent work developed and aired/held with stakeholders

Output 2.4 Dialogue mechanism on decent work established and institutionalized

Output 3.1.1 Code of conduct (by GAA) introduced and orientation given to employers

Output 3.1.2 Roundtable on gender-responsive workplace established and operational

Output 3.1.3 gender-responsive promotion fund” established and operational 

Output 3.1.4 Regular dialogue between male and female staff on gender equality issues at targeted employers held

Output 3.2.1 Awareness and sensitization media / radio campaigns on gender equality undertaken 

Output 3.2.2 Parents, caretakers and household heads trained on gender equality and employment opportunities 

Output 4.1. Skill needs of tourism industry and other sectors identified

Output 4.2. Local labor market information system established (or strengthened)


Outcome 1. Young women are “Work Ready “by being adequately skilled and with relevant knowledge to pursue decent wage employment with focus on non-traditional occupations.

Outcome 2. Employers in Pokhara offer decent wage employment opportunities

Outcome 3. Improved gender-sensitive and -responsive enabling environment

Intermediate Outcome 3.1 Workplace adopts gender-responsive practices

Intermediate Outcome 3.2 Families and communities support young women to pursue training and wage employment opportunities”

Outcome 4. Improved functioning of local labor market


Impact : Increased decent wage employment for young women

Budget Type:
Off Budget

Treasury Type:

Humanitarian Aid: No


Date of Agreement:  03-10-2020
Date of effectiveness:  01-10-2020
Proposed Start Date:  01-10-2020
Actual Start Date:  01-10-2020
Planned Completion Date:  01-09-2023
[Gandaki Pradesh] [Kaski (Pokhara)] 0.0%



Show Map
National Plan

Nepal Sector Classification - LABOUR (100.0)%

Implementing/Executing Agencies

Donor Organization: 
  • Plan Nepal

Counterpart Ministry : 
  • Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration 25.0 %
  • Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security 25.0 %
  • Ministry of Education, Science and Technology 25.0 %
  • Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizen 25.0 %

Executing Agency: 
  • Plan Nepal 100.0 %

Implementing Agency: 
  • NGOs 100.0 %
Plan Nepal
Transaction Type Transaction Date Type Of Assistance Mode Of Payment Post Earthquake Assistance Aid Type Financing Instrument Amount
Actual Commitment 03-10-2020 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Budget Support 1,110,364 USD
Sub Total Actual Commitment: 1,110,364 USD
Sub Total Planned Commitment: 0 USD
Actual Disbursement 06-30-2020 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Budget Support 48,747 USD
Actual Disbursement 12-31-2020 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Budget Support 137,191 USD
Actual Disbursement 06-30-2021 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Budget Support 142,760 USD
Actual Disbursement 12-31-2021 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Budget Support 173,041 USD
Actual Disbursement 06-30-2022 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Budget Support 145,050 USD
Actual Disbursement 12-31-2022 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Budget Support 296,423 USD
Actual Disbursement 06-30-2023 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Budget Support 212,415 USD
Actual Disbursement 12-31-2023 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Budget Support 22,066 USD
Sub Total Actual Disbursement: 1,177,693 USD
Sub Total Planned Disbursement: 0 USD
Expenditure 06-30-2020 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Budget Support 48,747 USD
Expenditure 12-31-2020 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Budget Support 137,191 USD
Expenditure 06-30-2021 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Budget Support 142,760 USD
Expenditure 12-31-2021 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Budget Support 173,041 USD
Expenditure 06-30-2022 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Budget Support 145,050 USD
Expenditure 12-31-2022 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Budget Support 296,423 USD
Expenditure 06-30-2023 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Budget Support 212,415 USD
Expenditure 12-31-2023 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Budget Support 22,066 USD
Progress Achieved

Progress Achieved: 


Key Problems: 


Steps Taken to solve the problem: 



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