Gender Based Violence Prevention and Response Project

Funding Information
Total Actual Commitment:
3,823,005 USD
Total Planned Commitment:
Total Actual Disbursements:
3,784,898 USD
Total Planned Disbursements:
1,972,397 USD
Unallocated Disbursements:
38,107 USD
5,469,170 USD USD
Additional Information
Project Created By:
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Project Created On:
Created in workspace:
Project Title: 
Gender Based Violence Prevention and Response Project VALIDATED

IATI Identifier: 

Gender Marker: 
Directly Supportive

Climate Change Relevance: 

Status:  On-Going
Budget Head: 
Status Reason: 



Training of managers and executive committee members of focus and non-focus VDCs on gender , GBV and RH

Form 180 WGs and meet regularly on a monthly basis and implement action plans

Conduct TOT and refresher training among 60  WC members from focussed VDCs

Train 1,000 watch group members on GBV (180 WGs X approx. 6 members) (20 members in each batch

Provide technical support to WGs to review update training package for couples, managers, MTOT and TOT

Form 54 adolescent girls groups and 6 girls circle and meet on a monthly basis

Provide TOT to WC Facilitators  and 3 WCO staff for one month in two batches on Social and Financial Skills Package (SFSP)

Train 60 peer leaders on SFSP in 4 batches of 6 days each

Develop training material for couple trainings

Conduct orientation with 1000 couples

Follow-up meetings with men who participated in the orientation

Train 300 boys and support them to implement their plans

Launch at least 6 initiatives to engage boys in promoting gender equity


Support research organization to develop concepts for action research on project approaches; accompany and regularly review the research process

Design and prepare media broadcasts for FM stations

Design and conduct multi media campaign

Develop and print IEC material

Support district based women’s rights groups

Call for proposals for studies on gaps in the implementation of policy framework

Support women’s rights organizations to organize advocacy events

Organize Advocacy events at district level on women’s rights

Conduct TOT for 18  district level trainers on women’s rights, GBV and Reproductive health

Train 45 WCO staff on women’s rights, GBV and Reproductive health

Organize quarterly meeting of WCs of focus VDCs

Train 300 bar association members/government attorney on GBV

Train 300 police staff on GBV

Orient 30 LGCDP Social Mobilizers and 30 VDC Secretaries on their role to reduce GBV

Orient 50 DDC 

Organize district level conference

Support resource persons for district level trainings

Organise at least 15 joint monitoring visits of district based authorities

Facilitate quarterly meetings of Gender Empowerment and Ending GBV coordination committees

Provide equipment and supplies to WCO in 3 districts

Establish 3 Safe Houses

Train 15 Service Center staff and 9 WC member for 5 days every year

Technical support  to Service Centers

Refresher trainings for safe house staff in Kathmandu to improve their capacity to handle complex cases

Support one shelter in Kathmandu to provide referral support

Support one shelter in Kathmandu for mental health rehabilitation

Consultation/orientation to case manager including care for care givers

Set up/strengthen District Hospital/OCMC to provide health services and referral to GBV survivors

Technical support to strengthen District hospital/OCMC for quality services to GBV survivors and appropriate referral

Organize Technical working group meetings to finalize competency based training package

Printing of Training Package, job aids, training related material

Conduct Clinical Training Skills Modified Computerized Learning (CTS MODCAL) to subject matter experts

Conduct MTOT+Training Skills-Field test of the training package among 20 participants

Conduct 3 batch TOT among 45 district hospital staff

Training site strengthening (District hospital and PHC/HP)

Conduct on the job training in 3 district hospitals (3 batches per site)

Conduct 19 batches of blended learning training

Train 6 case managers on how to provide community level psychosocial support

District planning and review meetings on health response to GBV (2 times a year in each district)

Develop GBV programme implementation guideline for health workers

Develop 5 policy briefs based on good practices in programme

Organise a National Conference

Conduct a comparative study of OCMCs/district hospital with and without psychosocial outreach

Discussion of study results with MoHP

Share the progress of the project with WDOs and DHOs during their review meeting

Two days orientation on psychosocial skills to WDOs

Support DWC to implement women development programme in 3 programme area.

Joint monitoring visit

Develop GBV programme implementation guideline for health workers

Develop 5 policy briefs based on good practices in programme

Organise National Conference

Conduct a comparative study of OCMCs with and without psychosocial

Discussion of study results with MoHP

Share the progress of the project with WDOs and DHOs during their review meeting

Two days orientation on psychosocial skills to WDOs

Support DWC to implement women development programme in 3 programme area.

 Joint monitoring 


Output 1.1: Women Cooperatives  (WC) have established functioning GBV watch groups and adolescent girls groups to address GBV

Output 1.2: Men and boys have acquired the capacity to engage in the prevention of and response to GBV

Output 1.3: CSOs, media and research   organizations have engaged in evidence based advocacy for an improved response to GBV by GoN actors at district and national level

Output 2.1: Women and Children Development Offices, police, and  legal service providers  have been enabled to prevent GBV and response to GBV 

Output 2.2: Women Service Centers have been established and are functional in all working districts, with links to capable referral safe house Kathmandu

Output 2.3: Health facilities in the working districts have built up the capacity to provide adequate medical services and community based psychosocial case management for GBV survivors and their families 

Output 2.4: MoWCSW and MoHP are supported with evidence to develop policies and plans

Output 2.5: MoWCSW and MoHP are supported with evidence to develop policies and plans


Outcome 1: Women and men in the working districts increasingly prevent, report and address gender-based violence

Outcome 2: Duty bearers respond effectively to gender-based violence in the working districts and increasingly at national levels


The prevalence of gender-based violence is reduced through the effective empowerment of women and men and through prevention and response interventions by more responsible and capable government agencies

Budget Type:
Off Budget

Treasury Type:

Humanitarian Aid: No


Date of Agreement:  02-15-2016
Date of effectiveness:  02-15-2016
Proposed Start Date:  02-15-2016
Actual Start Date:  02-15-2016
Planned Completion Date:  12-31-2018
Extension Date 1:  02-15-2016
[Janakpur] [Sindhuli (Sindhuli Madhi)] 33.0%

[Sagarmatha ] [Okhaldhunga (Okhaldhunga)] 34.0%

[Sagarmatha ] [Udayapur (Gaighat)] 33.0%



Show Map
National Plan

Nepal Sector Classification - WOMEN, CHILDREN & SOCIAL WELFARE (100.0)%

Implementing/Executing Agencies

Donor Organization: 
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

Counterpart Ministry : 
  • Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizen 100.0 %

Executing Agency: 
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation 100.0 %

Implementing Agency: 
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation 100.0 %
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Transaction Type Transaction Date Type Of Assistance Mode Of Payment Post Earthquake Assistance Aid Type Financing Instrument Amount
Actual Commitment 02-15-2016 Grant Aid Direct Payment No NORMAL CASE Project Support 3,037,037 USD
Actual Commitment 03-04-2016 Grant Aid Direct Payment No NORMAL CASE Project Support 787,406 USD
Actual Commitment 06-30-2016 Grant Aid Direct Payment No NORMAL CASE Project Support -111,370 USD
Actual Commitment 06-30-2020 Grant Aid Direct Payment No COVID-19 Pandemic Response Project Support 109,932 USD
Sub Total Actual Commitment: 3,823,005 USD
Sub Total Planned Commitment: 0 USD
Actual Disbursement 03-04-2016 Grant Aid Direct Payment No NORMAL CASE Project Support 1,006,861 USD
Actual Disbursement 06-16-2017 Grant Aid Direct Payment No NORMAL CASE Project Support 1,048,841 USD
Actual Disbursement 07-15-2018 Grant Aid Direct Payment No NORMAL CASE Project Support 24,994 USD
Actual Disbursement 10-03-2018 Grant Aid Direct Payment No NORMAL CASE Project Support 950,322 USD
Actual Disbursement 07-29-2019 Grant Aid Direct Payment No NORMAL CASE Project Support 604,614 USD
Actual Disbursement 05-12-2020 Grant Aid Direct Payment No NORMAL CASE Project Support 149,266 USD
Sub Total Actual Disbursement: 3,784,898 USD
Planned Disbursement 02-15-2016 Grant Aid Direct Payment No NORMAL CASE Project Support 1,006,861 USD
Planned Disbursement 07-15-2017 Grant Aid Direct Payment No NORMAL CASE Project Support 965,536 USD
Sub Total Planned Disbursement: 1,972,397 USD
Expenditure 11-09-2016 Grant Aid Direct Payment No NORMAL CASE Project Support 303,500 USD
Expenditure 12-31-2016 Grant Aid Direct Payment No NORMAL CASE Project Support 353,569 USD
Expenditure 12-31-2016 Grant Aid Direct Payment No NORMAL CASE Project Support 855,000 USD
Expenditure 07-15-2017 Grant Aid Direct Payment No NORMAL CASE Project Support 522,851 USD
Expenditure 07-15-2017 Grant Aid Direct Payment No NORMAL CASE Project Support 409,142 USD
Expenditure 12-31-2017 Grant Aid Direct Payment No NORMAL CASE Project Support 518,392 USD
Expenditure 12-31-2018 Grant Aid Direct Payment No NORMAL CASE Project Support 873,019 USD
Expenditure 12-31-2019 Grant Aid Direct Payment No NORMAL CASE Project Support 1,159,524 USD
Expenditure 12-31-2020 Grant Aid Direct Payment No COVID-19 Pandemic Response Project Support 109,000 USD
Expenditure 12-31-2020 Grant Aid Direct Payment No NORMAL CASE Project Support 365,173 USD
Progress Achieved

Progress Achieved: 


Key Problems: 


Steps Taken to solve the problem: 



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