Punanirman: Livelihood Promotion for Earthquake Affected Population in Nepal

Funding Information
Total Actual Commitment:
1,138,373 USD
Total Planned Commitment:
Total Actual Disbursements:
1,132,363 USD
Total Planned Disbursements:
Unallocated Disbursements:
6,010 USD
1,120,899 USD USD
Additional Information
Project Created By:
Project Modified By:
Project Created On:
Created in workspace:
CECI Nepal -Team
Project Title: 
Punanirman: Livelihood Promotion for Earthquake Affected Population in Nepal VALIDATED

IATI Identifier: 

Gender Marker: 

Climate Change Relevance: 

Status:  On-Going
Budget Head: 
Status Reason: 

CECI provided emergency assistance to about 5,539 households/families (28,335 individuals) in the first two months after earthquake in 3 most affected districts. Subsequently, CECI is providing recovery support to additional 4,695 households/ families. The recovery support is geared towards agriculture and dairy farmers, as well as rehabilitating drinking water systems and constructing toilets. This project is designed to continue the achievement made through previous phases of earthquake emergency response and recovery supports projects.


1111(a) Conduct participatory gender responsive analysis identifying environmentally sustainable agriculture and livelihood opportunities

1111 (b) establish producer groups for women and men in affected areas Facilitate provision of environmentally sustainable  agricultural inputs  (seeds, fertilizer, livestock, improved technologies) to targeted producer groups Facilitate training of producer groups on identified market requirements Facilitate/support producer groups’ small scale rehabilitation (animal sheds, stores, ware-houses, poultry farms, milk chilling centers and local market places) and create linkage with community rehabilitation/reconstruction initiatives sustainable links between producer groups, agriculture input providers and government agencies Facilitate the establishment / revitalization of  gender responsive disaster management (DRM) committees in the selected districts gendered disaster preparedness training (including DRR plans, vulnerability assessments, early warning systems)for producer groups, DRM committees, local government and community leaders to improve resilience of economic enterprises. Provide disaster preparedness technical support in implementation of DRR plan to producer groups and communities (men and women, boys and girls) to minimize adverse impact of disasters on livelihoods. Conduct gender responsive disaster awareness raising activities adapted to local needs including local language for communities using radio, IEC materials, and community workshops. Conduct participatory gender-responsive market analysis of different micro-enterprises and identify viable and sustainable opportunities.  Support micro-enterprises to resume or start business based on market analysis findings  Facilitate design and delivery of entrepreneurial skills training for women and youth in identified micro-enterprises by market actors Create market linkages between MSMEs and private sector market actors including providers of inputs, technical, financial and insurance services. Provide Small Grant to equip with material for new and existing MSMEs Conduct participatory assessment of financial and business service barriers for women  entrepreneurs with stakeholders (women, business/financial service providers and government) Select and engage decision makers of financial and business companies on gender responsive products development for the earthquake affected MSMEs especially those led by women Establish community savings groups to benefit producer groups and other MSMEs, especially those led by women Facilitate training of savings groups and cooperatives by financial and business service providers on loan products/business services Conduct labor market assessment with participation of different stakeholders (local governments, education/training institutes, chamber of commerce and communities) Organize information sessions to disseminate labor market assessment findings (opportunity and gaps, demand driven skills) for communities, women and youth and education/training institutions, chamber of commerce. Facilitate development of labour market skills curriculum training programs in line with identified labour market needs for individuals especially women and youth by chamber of commerce, and government.  Provide training to individuals especially women and youth on identified labour market and work-readiness skills including (CV development, interview preparation, gender-sensitive career path development) Sensitize and bring together employers, MSMEs, chamber of commerce and government to support  women and youth sensitive employment practices and opportunities Facilitate networking opportunities of trained and certified women, and youth with employment agencies (companies, recruiting agencies and government



Output1.1.1.1 Participatory gender –responsive analysis  conducted identifying environmentally sustainable agriculture and livelihood opportunities for women and men in affected areas and establishment of producer groups. Facilitated provision of environmentally sustainable agricultural inputs  (seeds, fertilizer, livestock, improved technologies) to targeted producer groups Training of producer groups on identified market requirements facilitated Producer groups’ small scale environmentally sustainable rehabilitation effort   supported (animal/poultry shades, seeds storages, milk chilling centers, small irrigations and local market places) and linkages facilitated with community initiatives. Facilitated sustainable links between producer groups ,agriculture input providers and, government agencies

Output Facilitated the establishment / revitalization of  engendered disaster response management(DRM) committees in the selected districts Conducted gender responsive disaster preparedness training (including DRR plans, vulnerability assessments) for producer groups, DRM committees, local government and community leaders to improve resilience of economic enterprises. Disaster preparedness technical support in implementation of DRR plan to producer groups and communities (men and women, boys and girls) to minimize adverse impact of disasters on livelihoods provided. Conducted gender responsive disaster awareness raising activities adapted to local needs including local language for communities using radio, IEC materials, and community workshops Conducted participatory gender-responsive market analysis of different micro-enterprises and identified viable and environmentally sustainable opportunities. Micro enterprises supported with information based on market analysis findings to resume or start business. Facilitated design and delivery of entrepreneurial skills training for women and youth for identified micro enterprises by market actors Created market link-ages between MSMEs and private sector including providers of inputs, technical, financial and insurance services. Participatory assessment of financial and business service barriers for women undertaken with stakeholders (women, business/financial service providers and government) Selected and engaged decision makers of financial and business companies on gender responsive product development for the earthquake affected MSMEs especially those led by women. Community savings groups established to benefit producer groups and other MSMEs, especially those led by women. Training of savings groups and cooperatives by financial and business service providers on loan products/business services facilitated Gender responsive labor market assessment conducted with participation of different stake-holders (local governments, education/training institutes, local companies and communities) Disseminated labor market assessment findings to communities, women and youth and education/training institutions. Development of labour market skills curriculum training programs in line with identified labour market needs for individuals especially women and youth by chamber of commerce, and government facilitated. Training to individuals especially women and youth on identified labour market and  work-readiness skills including (CV development, interview preparation, gender-sensitive career path development)provided Employers, MSMEs, chamber of commerce and government sensitized and brought together to support women and youth sensitive employment practices and opportunities. Networking opportunities of trained and certified women, and youth facilitated with employment agencies (companies, recruiting agencies and government


Intermediate Outcomes


Outcome 1.1:

Increased capacity for women and men in earthquake affected areas to manage and control their economic enterprises

Outcome 1.2: 

Increased establishment of micro, small and medium-sized viable enterprises, especially those led by women living in earthquake affected areas

Outcome 1.3:

A population of working-age adults, especially women and youth living in earthquake affected areas, that has the essential demand driven basic skills and knowledge needed to take advantage of economic opportunities in the formal labour market

Immediate Outcomes

Outcome 1.1.1

Increased skills and knowledge of affected  women and men in rural communities to engage in diversified and sustainable agricultural and livestock based economic activities


Increased ability of communities to minimize the adverse impact of disasters on their well-being and livelihood

Outcome 1.2.1:

Increased access to business products and services that address the needs of MSMEs especially those led by women in affected areas

Outcome 1.2.2:

Enhanced ability of financial and business development service providers to develop and deliver gender sensitive products/services for MSMEs especially those led by women

Outcome1. 3.1:

Increased community knowledge on labour market needs   and sectors with high potential for employment especially for women and youth

Outcome 1.3.2:

Increased skills of earthquake affected individuals, especially women and youth in line with the labor market demand.



Improved well-being and resilience of women, men, girls and boys in targeted earthquake-affected areas of Nepal

Budget Type:
Off Budget

Treasury Type:

Humanitarian Aid: Yes


Date of Agreement:  07-31-2017
Date of effectiveness:  07-31-2017
Proposed Start Date:  07-31-2017
Actual Start Date:  07-31-2017
Planned Completion Date:  09-30-2019
[Bagmati] [Sindhupalchok (Chautara)] 34.0%

[Bagmati] [Lalitpur (Patan)] 33.0%

[Bagmati] [Kavrepalanchok (Dhulikhel)] 33.0%



Show Map
National Plan
[National Development Plan (NDP)]   [Macroeconomic Policy and Economic Development Policy]   [Agriculture and Food Security] 75.0%

Nepal Sector Classification - LIVELIHOOD (100.0)%

Nepal Functional Coding - ECONOMIC AFFAIRS (100.0)%

Implementing/Executing Agencies

Donor Organization: 
  • CECI Nepal

Counterpart Ministry : 
  • Nepal Reconstruction Authority 100.0 %

Executing Agency: 
  • CECI Nepal 100.0 %

Implementing Agency: 
  • CECI Nepal 100.0 %
CECI Nepal
Transaction Type Transaction Date Type Of Assistance Mode Of Payment Post Earthquake Assistance Aid Type Financing Instrument Amount
Actual Commitment 12-14-2016 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Program Based Support 1,138,373 USD
Sub Total Actual Commitment: 1,138,373 USD
Sub Total Planned Commitment: 0 USD
Actual Disbursement 12-31-2017 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Program Based Support 211,327 USD
Actual Disbursement 06-30-2018 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Program Based Support 278,578 USD
Actual Disbursement 12-31-2018 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Program Based Support 352,386 USD
Actual Disbursement 06-30-2019 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Program Based Support 290,073 USD
Sub Total Actual Disbursement: 1,132,363 USD
Sub Total Planned Disbursement: 0 USD
Expenditure 12-31-2017 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Program Based Support 208,257 USD
Expenditure 06-30-2018 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Program Based Support 272,638 USD
Expenditure 12-31-2018 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Program Based Support 351,270 USD
Expenditure 06-30-2019 Grant Aid Cash No NORMAL CASE Program Based Support 288,733 USD
Progress Achieved

Progress Achieved: 

Key Problems: 

Steps Taken to solve the problem: 


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