Building Resilience of Communities through Inclusive and Risk-aware Reconstruction and Development in Post-Earthquake.

Funding Information
Total Actual Commitment:
1,213,659 USD
Total Planned Commitment:
Total Actual Disbursements:
108,172 USD
Total Planned Disbursements:
Unallocated Disbursements:
1,105,487 USD
Additional Information
Project Created By:

Project Modified By:
Project Created On:
Created in workspace:
Arbeiter Samariter Bund -Team
Project Title: 
Building Resilience of Communities through Inclusive and Risk-aware Reconstruction and Development in Post-Earthquake. VALIDATED

IATI Identifier: 

Gender Marker: 

Climate Change Relevance: 

Status:  On-Going
Budget Head: 
Status Reason: 


ASB’s proposed interventions for Dhading, Nalang VDC; implementing NGO partner – EPF Nepal:

  1. Establish and operationalize one interlocking adobe brick production facility (including training of all employees selected from the community)
  2. Train at least 144 families on multi-hazard resistant interlocking adobe brick method and safer building construction practices;
  3. Support at least 144 families whose houses were totally destroyed during the earthquake in building multi-hazard (earthquake, fire, heavy winds) resistant houses;
  4. Link one sustaining enterprise to the brick production center;
  5. Support construction of at least 144 household toilets;
  6. Organize awareness raising campaign on safe hygiene and sanitation practices, and promote GoN’s Open Defecation Free (ODF) initiative, reaching at least 2,500 beneficiaries;
  7. Establish and fully operationalize one Community Information and Support Centre (CISC), including capacity building of the CISC management committee and staff (i.e. librarian, greenhouse cultivator, etc.);
  8. Establish two sustaining enterprises (greenhouse and a public toolshed) on the premises of CISC;
  9. Provide information services and outreach programs on health, agriculture, disaster risk reduction, etc. issues to at least 2,500 individuals through the CISC;
  10. Train at least 1,000 individuals during the 60 training sessions organized by the CISC;
  11. Support at least 600 persons in adapting innovative approaches to agriculture and making use of the public toolshed.

ASB’s proposed interventions for Dolakha, Bhimeshwar municipality; implementing NGO partner – RIRC:

  1. Reconstruct and equip one Community Library adhering to the safe building construction norms and the principles/ standards for disability inclusion;
  2. Implement at least of at least 30 community-based disaster risk management (CBDRM) activities (i.e. training, drills and simulation exercises, development of DRM plan at the local level, etc.), engaging especially vulnerable/ at-risk populations (i.e. persons with disabilities, children, elderly, etc.);
  3. Develop and adapt to the needs of especially vulnerable/ at-risk groups (i.e. persons with disabilities) at least 5 different Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials;
  4. Disseminate the DRR IEC materials, including through the use of innovative ICT technologies, reaching in total at least 4,000 community members (men and women), including children, women, youth, elderly and marginalized communities (Dalits and Janajatis);
  5. Provide needs-based training on agriculture, livelihoods and women’s empowerment to at least 500 people through the Community Library.


ASB’s proposed program intervention in Nepal will have the following 6 key result areas:


Dhading, Nalang VDC; implementing NGO partner, EPF Nepal:

Result 1. A locally accessible and cost-efficient, multi-hazard resistant adobe brick production facility established and support provided to the disaster-affected communities in rebuilding their homes better and safer. 

Result 2. Household toilets and awareness raising on safe hygiene and sanitation practices provided to the particularly vulnerable and at-risk communities.

Result 3. Easily accessible and inclusive, community information and support services established and capacity building programs provided, aimed at improving livelihoods and income generation opportunities through an innovative agricultural component, as well as local knowledge and skills enhancement for building back better.

Dolakha, Bhimeshwar municipality; implementing NGO partner, RIRC:

Result 4. Disability-inclusive, safe and earthquake resistant Community Library rebuilt and established as a “center of excellence” for disaster risk reduction.

Result 5. Enhanced disability-inclusive, community-based disaster risk management (CBDRM) measures in place.

Result 6. Improved livelihoods and women’s empowerment, ensuring access to knowledge and information.



An ultimate impact of the action will be enhanced resilience of communities to disasters and inclusion of highly at-risk groups in national/ district/ local level disaster risk management (DRM) planning and programming, hereby contributing to the Government of Nepal’s post-earthquake recovery, reconstruction, and building back better efforts as well as the long-term DRM strategy.

Budget Type:
Off Budget

Treasury Type:

Humanitarian Aid: Yes


Date of Agreement:  09-30-2015
Date of effectiveness:  09-30-2015
Proposed Start Date:  04-27-2016
Actual Start Date:  04-27-2016
Planned Completion Date:  09-29-2020
[Janakpur] [Dholkha (Charikot)] 30.0%

[Bagmati] [Dhading (Dhading Besi)] 70.0%



Show Map
National Plan
[National Development Plan (NDP)]   [Peace, Rehabilitation and Inclusive Development]   [Gender Equity, Women Development] 5.0%
[National Development Plan (NDP)]   [Social Development Policy]   [Drinking Water and Sanitation] 5.0%
[National Development Plan (NDP)]   [Macroeconomic Policy and Economic Development Policy]   [Agriculture and Food Security] 5.0%
[National Development Plan (NDP)]   [Social Development Policy]   [Education] 25.0%
[National Development Plan (NDP)]   [Peace, Rehabilitation and Inclusive Development]   [Inclusion] 10.0%
[National Development Plan (NDP)]   [Infrastructure Development Policy]   [Building, Housing and Urban Development] 50.0%

Nepal Sector Classification - EDUCATION (20.0)%

Nepal Sector Classification - LOCAL DEVELOPMENT (10.0)%

Nepal Sector Classification - WOMEN, CHILDREN & SOCIAL WELFARE (15.0)%

Nepal Sector Classification - HOUSING (45.0)%

Nepal Sector Classification - LIVELIHOOD (10.0)%

Implementing/Executing Agencies

Donor Organization: 
  • Arbeiter Samariter Bund

Counterpart Ministry : 
  • Ministry of Women, Children & Social Welfare 100.0 %

Executing Agency: 
  • Arbeiter Samariter Bund 100.0 %

Implementing Agency: 
  • NGOs 100.0 %
Arbeiter Samariter Bund
Transaction Type Transaction Date Type Of Assistance Mode Of Payment Post Earthquake Assistance Aid Type Financing Instrument Amount
Actual Commitment 09-30-2015 Grant Aid Direct Payment No NORMAL CASE Project Support 1,213,659 USD
Sub Total Actual Commitment: 1,213,659 USD
Sub Total Planned Commitment: 0 USD
Actual Disbursement 12-31-2016 Grant Aid Direct Payment No NORMAL CASE Project Support 108,172 USD
Sub Total Actual Disbursement: 108,172 USD
Sub Total Planned Disbursement: 0 USD
Progress Achieved

Progress Achieved: 

Key Problems: 

Steps Taken to solve the problem: 


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