Total Commitment: 2,414,488,235 USD Total Disbursement : 1,454,401,060 USD
Project Name Date of Agreement Completion Date Commitment (USD) Disbursement (USD)
UNICEF country programme July to December 2010 2010/07/01 2010/12/31 2,054,400 2,054,400
Programme Component Result: PCR5, Intermediate Results: IR 1 - Local Governance 2011/03/28 2012/12/31 4,423,115 3,316,508
PCR 6, IR 1 - National WASH Programme formulated, ensuring the incorporation of gender, social inclusion and equity issues 2008/02/25 2012/12/31 38,600 24,641
PCR 6, IR 2: HHs and institutions especially in MDAG VDCs in DACAW, diarrhoea prone & low sanitation coverage districts increasingly utilise improved sanitation, hygiene and water supply facilities. 2008/02/25 2012/12/31 2,265,074 2,311,673
PCR 6, IR 3 - Cluster leadership and equitable access and use of emergency WASH services in line with the CCCs & Sphere standards. 2008/02/25 2012/12/31 124,562 251,496
Nepal T-ICSP Activity 5 - Capacity Strengthening CDP 2018/07/19 2018/12/31 695,396 560,168
PRRO 200152 Assistance to Food-insecure Populations in the Mid/Far-West Hill and Mountain Regions of Nepal 2010/09/01 2013/12/31 42,427,887 16,467,152
Output 1 (NPL7U101): Strengthened capacity of relevant government ministries at national and subnational levels to address population dynamics and its interlinkages in policies, programmes and budgets (Off Budget) 2013/02/12 2017/12/31 2,510,555 2,799,788
Output 1 (NPL7U101): Strengthened capacity of relevant government ministries at national and subnational levels to address population dynamics and its interlinkages in policies, programmes and budgets (On Budget) 2013/02/12 2017/12/31 363,075 426,428
Output 2 (NPL7U102): Improved data availability and analysis for evidence-based decision-making and policy formulation on population dynamics, adolescent sexual and reproductive health, and gender equality (Off Budget) 2013/02/12 2017/12/31 781,181 725,946
Output 2 (NPL7U102): Improved data availability and analysis for evidence-based decision-making and policy formulation on population dynamics, adolescent sexual and reproductive health, and gender equality (On Budget) 2013/02/12 2017/12/31 538,610 529,331
COUNTRY PROGRAMME ACTION PLAN (CPAP), 2008-2010 (extended to 2012) for the Programme of Cooperation between The Government of Nepal and The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) 2008/02/25 2012/12/31 7,500,000 6,594,000
The Economic and Social development Programme 2018/05/18 2019/03/31 632,443 0
Resilient, Integrated and Inclusive Development Project in Nepal (IIDPN) 2018/01/13 2023/01/12 566,668 272,950
Nepal Registration programme (JFPR 9157-NEP: Reducing Child Malnutrition through Social Protection ) 2011/06/08 2014/06/07 2,000,000 1,130,072
Assistance for Support for Targeted and Sustainable Development Programs for Highly Marginalized Groups 2011/06/08 2015/06/07 2,700,000 199,800
Lo Gyalpo Jigme Cultural Conservation Foundation 2018/11/05 2023/12/31 214,173 91,606
Technical Assistance in Federalism Support 0 22,906
Generating Opportunities in Agriculture and Livelihoods (GOAL II) 2019/01/24 2024/01/30 157,056 59,704
Promoting Inclusive Resilience and Accountability through Youth Association Strengthening (PRAYAS) - CTR 412223 2019/12/23 2023/12/31 899,146 459,751
Tayar Nepal 2019/08/01 33,550,464 17,256,518
Preparedness for emergency response in the Western Region of Nepal (ECHO 91033) 1,119,800 892,080
Building resilient communities through protection and EES interventions in the project locations 2020/05/27 2023/05/26 86,610 40,959
Holistic Development Project - Nepal (HDP-N) - 2019 - 2020 2014/05/14 2019/05/14 11,700 17,262
Building Hope Along the Karnali River Basin (BHAKARI) 2020/09/30 2023/09/30 4,950,000 0
REAL project - “Right to Earn A Living” 2020/12/24 2021/06/30 103,522 76,204
Nepal Integrated Rural Development Project - Phase II 2020/12/25 2025/12/25 0 20,322
Strengthening service provision for protection and assistance to victims of cross border trafficking between Bangladesh , India and Nepal 2013/11/01 233,000 0
Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project 2015/08/21 2018/09/30 54,827,308 45,799,463
Community Support Programme 2011/06/16 2012/03/31 37,371,674 27,705,958
Community Irrigation Project 2011/02/08 2017/02/28 26,400,000 22,621,086
Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction(JFPR) 9141 NEP Capacity Building for the Promotion of Legal Identity among the Poor in Nepal 2010/04/28 2014/04/27 2,000,000 244,735
Sunaula Hazar Din ,Community Action for Nutrition Project 2012/07/13 2017/06/30 40,000,000 31,586,837
Rural Access Programme Phase III 2013/03/11 2023/05/31 110,450,945 88,320,872
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal, Completion Phase (RWSSP- WN II) 2013/09/16 2018/07/31 18,305,719 13,024,387
Local Governance and Community Development Programme, Phase II (LGCDP II) 2013/12/11 2017/07/15 104,342,717 116,900,481
Local roads improvement Programme (LRIP) 2014/04/03 2018/07/31 21,974,129 14,320,772
Strengthening National Rural Transport Programme (SNRTP) 2014/03/24 2019/07/15 100,000,000 74,143,666
Linking Smallholders to Market (LINK) 2011/05/11 2015/12/31 2,725,414 1,496,265
Rural Community Infrastructure Development Programme/Works ( WFP CPAP 2013- 2017) 2014/03/04 2017/12/31 102,606,850 0
Rural Access Improvement and Decentralization Project(RAIDP) 2010/07/14 2013/12/31 73,781,566 49,350,000
Pilot Trail Bridge Support Program 2010/03/04 2010/12/31 3,047,851 2,963,207
Economic and Development Cooperation 16,955,026 25,850,023
Rural Connectivity Improvement Project 2018/02/12 2023/01/31 100,000,000 55,869,642
IR 2.9: Child Friendly Local Governance 2013/04/16 2015/12/31 2,089,980 3,829,838
Sustainable Urban Environment 2013/02/04 978,641 1,035,446
SUSTAIN Program (Food security, livelihood, natural resources and climate change adaptation) 2019/01/13 361,894 191,257
Good Governance and Livelihood project (GOAL) 2014/01/01 2019/01/30 272,157 252,796
The Holistic Community development Project in Humla 2010/05/25 2021/12/31 1,142,652 988,202
Poverty Alleviation Programme 2010/12/01 2015/12/31 2,055,788 2,155,776
local Governance and Accountability 2014/02/07 2017/02/28 343,964 0
Post Earthquake Response and Recovery Project 2016/01/21 2018/01/31 1,954,770 1,678,000
Promoting Agriculture, Health and Alternative Livelihoods (PAHAL) 2014/10/14 2020/01/30 8,506,779 8,506,779
NPL Support to Health workforce through Civil Society Engagement 2013/11/01 2014/03/22 168,077 135,927
NPL UNDP Earthquake Recovery DRR 2011/12/23 2014/01/31 1,270,201 1,237,677
NPL Protection in Emergencies USAID 2014/09/19 2015/02/28 177,968 161,334
NPL Pooled Seed Fund - 2014 Floods/Landslide Response 2014/08/11 2014/12/31 118,650 118,560
NPL SHO Emergency & Reconstruction Aid for Nepal SoF:52800150 2015/04/26 2016/10/31 828,886 821,356
NPL CSF Earthquake 2015 2015/04/25 2015/12/31 150,000 150,000
NPL CSF Earthquake 2015 SOF: 99700161 2015/05/25 2015/12/31 150,000 150,000
NPL OFDA Emergency Earthquake Response SoF: 84002596 2015/04/29 2015/08/28 820,277 820,276
NPL HPA Nepal Response 2015, SOF 03600729 2015/05/09 2015/08/05 421,390 432,608
Safer Schools and Communities through Child Centered Disaster Risk Reduction Initiatives 2011/01/01 2013/12/31 361,494 372,926
EMERGE- Gearing towards resilience and self-reliance (EMERGE) 2019/08/19 2020/12/31 42,793 42,793
Public-Private Partnerships for Urban Environment (PPPUE) 2004/03/01 2012/12/31 3,232,352 3,077,237
Community Development Project (CDP) 2011/09/14 2015/11/21 19,364,486 19,328,696
Decentralized Rural Infrastructure and Livelihood Project (DRILP) 2004/12/23 2011/10/31 45,429,471 43,312,342
United Mission to Nepal Project 2011/06/05 2015/11/25 1,025,270 927,875
Sustainable Use of Technology for Public Sector Accountability in Nepal (SUSASAN) 2017/02/24 2021/03/21 1,265,378 0
Nepal Strengthening Public Management Program 2012/12/27 2013/10/31 28,000,000 24,924,405
Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Nutrition - Asia 2010/01/10 2015/01/10 5,100,000 0
High Impact Community Developmental Projects 2003/01/07 141,876,942 75,359,837
Sajhedari 2012/12/03 2017/11/30 32,906,436 32,906,436
Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development (AYAD) and Volunteering for International Development from Australia (VIDA) 1999/06/29 2015/06/30 681,203 1,500,297
TA 7982-NEP: Strengthening Municipalities for Urban Sector Delivery 2012/01/26 2014/06/30 0 959,471
TA 8173-NEP: Supporting the Strengthening of Public Management Program 3,119,800 7,115,687
Governance Training to Local Government in Nepal -LDTA 2013/01/02 2014/01/30 778,244 1,187,088
Nepal Holistic Development Program 2014/05/28 2019/06/30 29,250 34,494
Nepal Holistic Development Program (NHDP) 2014/05/14 2019/06/30 29,250 38,656
Holistic Development Project - Nepal (HDP-N) 2014/05/14 2019/06/30 17,550 23,963
Holistic Development Project - Nepal (HDP-N) FY 2018 - 19 2014/05/14 2019/05/14 11,700 15,113
Nepal Holistic Development Program(NHDP) 2009/02/08 2014/02/08 450,000 329,459
Support to the Local Governance and Community Development Programme (UN joint project) 2009/04/01 2013/12/31 3,350,492 670,388
District Roads Support Program (DRSP) Phase IV 2006/11/09 2013/07/15 11,642,396 11,239,904
Social Safety Nets Project (Nepal Food Crisis Programme) 2008/11/02 2010/09/01 48,086,305 36,491,372
Building Resilient Livelihoods and Ecosystems in Remote Mountain Communities in Nepal (Pragatishil Pahad Project) 2016/03/14 2018/03/13 108,000 141,292
Trail Bridge Sub Sector Program- Phase IV 2014/01/25 2019/01/24 12,368,484 11,159,671
Small Irrigation Programme (SIP) 2015/01/10 2019/01/28 18,811,584 18,236,810
Emergency Housing Reconstruction Project 2015/08/14 2020/07/31 220,362,810 20,000,000
Partnership for Improved Nutrition 2015/01/01 2022/01/01 38,020,241 31,449,562
Decentralized Rural Infrastructure and Livelihood Project (DRILP) Phase III 2019/01/31 5,727,356 5,561,619
Building Resilience of Communities through Inclusive and Risk-aware Reconstruction and Development in Post-Earthquake. 2015/09/30 2020/09/29 121,366 10,817
Earthquake Recovery Program Nepal 2015/09/24 2018/10/31 81,925 80,821
TA- 8413 Capacity Strengthening for Sustainable Road Transport 2013/10/01 2016/06/30 0 888,488
TA 7352-NEP: Support to Local Governance and Community Development Program 2009/11/15 2011/03/31 550,000 213,855
PPTA 7574-NEP: Governance Support Program (Subprogram II) 2010/08/09 2010/12/31 200,000 105,204
Program for Promotion of Demand for Good Governance in Nepal (PROD) - BE (TF095128) 2,218,000 1,117,204
Sajhedari-Support to Federalism (STF) 2019/10/25 2025/05/12 14,576,381 7,524,929
Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Program[RRRSDP] 2008/01/14 2013/11/30 25,712,531 26,010,858
NEPAL RURAL ACCESS PROGRAMME PHASE- II 2008/11/14 2013/11/30 59,324,139 62,982,274
Community Support Programme Phase - II 2010/04/13 2012/03/31 30,712,531 31,360,309
Local Governance and Community Development Program (LGCDP)- I Phase 2008/07/16 2012/07/15 24,325,834 15,235,968
UN Joint programme of support to LGCDP 2009/04/01 2013/07/31 9,305,210 6,377,748
The Local Governance and Community Development Programme (Phase II) - PPSF 2013/01/15 2017/01/15 9,826,739 9,648,704
SAHAKARYA - Governance 2010/04/05 2012/04/30 346,363 182,501
Project for Improving Local Governance Training through Capacity Enhancement on Research and Analysis 2015/09/16 2020/01/11 3,696,281 4,039,778
Project on Participatory Rural Recovery 2019/07/08 2022/08/31 2,311,735 302,388
Village Development for Kavrepalanchok, Sindhupalchok and Makawanpur districts 2012/03/31 298,382 325,697
Improvement of community access (Rural Road Bridge Program) 2010/03/05 11,130,474 8,665,402
Emergency Rehabilitation of Flood damaged trial bridges 2015/02/13 2015/12/31 1,001,747 997,393
State Support Program 2023/01/31 2,460,866 3,087,234
Trail Bridge Sub-Sector Support Program, Phase V 2023/07/31 5,244,469 5,748,745
Good Governance Project Phase IV 2009/02/23 2012/02/29 1,210,406 1,130,370
Strengthening the Accountability of Local Government 2013/07/05 2017/07/15 10,347,778 2,627,506
Motorable Local Road Bridge Program Phase I 2011/03/23 2014/11/30 20,693,419 20,371,297
State Building at Local Level Phase 1 2011/01/18 2015/01/31 5,044,136 1,982,396
Local Infrastructure for Livelihood Improvement Project-II 2010/01/25 2013/07/31 10,211,651 12,004,021
Trail Bridge Sub-Sector Programme,Phase II 2007/02/15 2010/12/31 8,304,337 9,318,894
INCLUDE III: Inclusive Development of Economy 2016/01/11 2019/01/30 8,491,270 8,642,477
Local Provincial and Economic Development Programme (LPED) including the EU/FIN/BMZ joint measure Green Resilient Agricultural Productive Ecosystems (GRAPE) 2019/01/29 2022/01/31 5,059,020 933,117
Capacity Development - Support to Governance (CD-SG) 2019/01/16 2022/01/22 1,341,705 589,563
Sub-national Governance Programme, Nepal (SUNAG) 2011/05/01 2014/12/30 7,875,209 6,422,777
Poverty Alleviation in Selected Rural Areas of Nepal (PASRA) 2008/03/31 2011/05/30 10,874,704 8,934,743
Quality assurance of Governance support (LGCDP-TA) 2012/01/02 2014/01/15 1,005,295 2,082,136
Development Dialogue 2013/01/16 2017/01/31 230,258 137,161
Child Friendly Local Governance CFLG 2013/01/13 2015/01/31 6,895,719 5,588,392
Rural Village Water Resources Management Project Phase III (RVWRMP III) 2015/12/10 2020/12/31 33,526,500 20,207,652
Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal [RWSSP-WN] 2008/05/22 2012/12/31 15,292,356 12,979,796
Rural Village Water Resource Management Project Phase- II 2010/05/21 2015/07/31 19,487,051 20,366,748
Strengthening of Environmental Administration and Management at the Local Level [SEAM,N] 2008/05/22 2011/07/31 9,551,124 8,289,336
Regional Waste Management Project (RWMP) 2010/04/27 2014/12/31 5,883,926 3,668,585
Promoting visibility of the EU assistance to Nepal with a special focus on peace process and the role of stability for development (CTR 345498) 252,776 75,432
Pre-identification for MIP 2014-2020 Sustainable Rural Development sector (CTR 348665) 26,298 23,500
CTR 352435 Infrastructure Summit – Meeting package 0 10,856
A human rights and reconciliation promoting initiative at the community level (CTR 267486) 0 5,231
Active Citizens for Accountable Local Governments (CTR 390835) 354,669 302,829
Promoting citizen empowerment and inclusive democracy in Province 2 (CTR 403214) 2018/12/11 2022/12/31 1,085,375 1,070,112
Municipal Finance and Capacity Building (CTR 402797) 2,286,437 321,071
Participation, inclusion and wider CSO's actions for responsive transparent and accountable local government in Nepal - CTR 403484 1,135,624 789,636
Federalism and Nutrition Support to Nepal - CTR 404932 90,747 85,426
Strengthening Systems for Social Protection and Civil Registration Project 2017/01/23 2021/11/30 150,000,000 69,184,354
Motorable Local Roads Bridge Programme (MLRBP) Phase II 2016/05/13 2017/02/28 5,359,763 3,501,607
Motorable Local Roads Bridge Programme Phase -III 2017/01/26 2020/01/31 10,897,374 10,357,834
Empowering marginalised and conflict affected communities for promoting human rights, democracy and peace. (CRT 234035) 2010/11/29 2012/07/01 0 10,348
Improving the quality of life of vulnerable target groups in the Eastern Region of Nepal by improving eye care and sight restoration. (CRT 133557) 2007/12/11 2012/04/11 217,413,548 381,087
CTR 250596 Raising Opportunities for Jobs in Gramin Areas for Rural Incomes (ROJGARI) 0 249,015
Empowerment and Democracy – Maintaining the Role of NSAs in Local Governance and Accountability (CTR 335585) 637,715 574,488
Decentralized Rural Infrastructure and Livelihood Project- Additional Financing (DRILP-AF) 2012/02/01 2015/12/31 50,429,471 40,402,664